Torre Graells Rural house for your special events or unforgettable family vacations; away from the hustle and bustle of the city with the charm of an unbeatable environment. Large outdoor

Cal Albareda
The House Cal Albareda is a roomy and restored country house, with garden and swimming pool, turned into a rural tourism accommodation and located in the small town of Coscó.

Ca la Cecilia
The House The house has been restored in great detail but preserving the stone structure and most of the wood joists, which make it cozier, together with the barbecue and

Ca La Ferratina
The house Cottage in the village of Ivars de Noguera (24 Km from Lleida and Balaguer). Quiet, comfortable, relaxing, surrounded by nature and river views towards San Salvador and Montsec

Cal Camats
The house Dated in the thirteenth century and located on a small ridge, Cal Camats still retains the aroma and the tradition of our ancestors with their work and effort

Cal Cirera
The house Townhouse Vilanova Meià at the foot of Montsec, which offers 5 bedrooms customers with friendly service. All rooms have a balcony or window with panoramic views to the

Cal Colomina
The house House located in Folquer. Formerly an inn that served as an obligatory stop for carts and horses that made the route to Pobla de Segur. Has now returned

Cal Contorna
The house Completely renovated old building, which has preserved the old structure but has been renovated inside to provide convenience and comfort while retaining part of its hardiness. Located in

Cal Selmo
The house We restored Casa Selmo as independent village house over 200 years old, with 4 seats capacity currently attached home Ros. The house overlooks the Montsec and is 7